Buy a Hotel in Georgia or Louisiana to Double the Returns in No Time
If you’re planning to buy a hotel or a motel somewhere in the U.S., you should either choose Georgia or Louisiana. These states are offering excellent established hotels and motels for sale. The prices these properties are being sold at are going to take you by surprise and make you want to call and book them immediately. It is absolutely worth investing in the hospitality industry. The most recently calculated revenue earned was in the year 2016, with a forecasted amount of 550 billion U.S. dollars in the U.S. alone, and the actual revenue earn was very close to the number. (Ref: There are more travel websites now than in the year 2016 and this does add to the fact that the hospitality industry is booming among countries across the world. If you check the global hotel industry statistics, you’re going to find the hotel and motel for sale in Georgia are topping the charts for properties to invest in. The luxury hotels for...